Lucky Leo

"Lucky Leo" is a captivating painting that transports viewers into a surreal tableau where the boundaries between reality and imagination blur. Within this vibrant composition, a cat are depicted in a unique and whimsical manner. The cat appears to contain the fish within its form, creating a playful and enigmatic scene. Nearby, a ball of thread adds a touch of domesticity to the surreal landscape.

In the style reminiscent of Petru Cuciuc's visionary works, "lucky Leo" draws inspiration from Cubist cityscapes and kitchen still life, infusing them with colorful expressionism and emotional depth. The vibrant palette of reds and pinks, complemented by flashes of yellow and blue, imbues the scene with a sense of liveliness and dynamism.

This painting invites viewers to explore a world where diverse shapes and objects converge to create a visual symphony of play and joy. As with all of Cuciuc's works, "Lucky Leo" celebrates the power of color and expression. The artist's painterly style and masterful use of planar expressionism create a sense of depth and movement within the composition, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in its rich tapestry of forms and hues.


20x20 inch

Acrylic oil, canvas

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